Safety First
"The greatest measure of our culture
is how we care for one another
through the value of safety."
- Leon Topalian
Our challenge is to become the world's safest steel company.
"The greatest measure of our culture
is how we care for one another
through the value of safety."
- Leon Topalian
Physical Health
Mental Safety
Emotional Safety
Since 2005, we have partnered with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) through its Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), which recognizes companies that voluntarily exceed the safety standards required by law. Achieving VPP status requires a rigorous safety and health management system.
Since 1998, the President’s Safety Award has been awarded to Nucor divisions that record Injury and Illness and DART (Days Away, Restricted or Transferred) rates 2/3 below the national average for comparable facilities. High-performing divisions that are VPP-certified are given CEO Recognition.
Nucor health fairs emphasize prevention and have succeeded in providing teammates with life-saving health insights.
Several Nucor facilities provide ongoing health and wellness opportunities, including medical staff and equipment, and on-site fitness centers.
The NuYou health and wellness program helps Nucor teammates make better healthcare decisions. We have seen consistent decline in the percentage of “at risk” teammates in every category we track.